Philip Solimine

Philip Solimine

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of British Columbia


I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Vancouver School of Economics and the Centre for Innovative Data in Economic Research at the University of British Columbia.

I will be on the job market in the 2024-2025 academic year.

I study the relationship between market structure, network structure, and economic outcomes. This involves the development and use of computational, experimental, and theoretical methods to evaluate the effects of market structure and policy in connected economies. My research is mostly focused on improving outcomes through strategic targeting with institutional constraints.

Currently I’m applying this perspective to study platform pricing, market design, and regulation policy in energy markets coupled by natural resource transmission, as well as digital social networks. I’ve also examined markets for collaboration, corruption and influence, experience goods, and reputation systems in digital market platforms.

Read more about my research here, or in my CV.

I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in quantitative economics and data science. For course notes and other information, see here.